Tuesday 3 December 2013

Research Evaluation

From my research I looked into various magazine genres, ranging from rock, rap, dance, indie and pop. From a personal preference I felt I wanted to create a pop magazine. My reasoning for this is that i found there is a distinct gap in the market for a solely based pop magazine. Pop magazines also show a distinct genre and it can be easily identified to be a pop magazine if its done correctly, therefore i wish to convey this during the process if making my magazine. The pop magazines that currently exist are not dominantly pop related, they tend to focus on gossip, pop culture, beauty and fashion. I want to create a magazine that will include new music releases, chart updates, tour exclusives and competitions for concerts. Although i found that these topics can be found easily on the internet via social media sites, i feel that because of my audience being young this may not be easily accessible for them but they still want to be up to date with whats new in the pop industry, therefore my magazine will suit those who still like to buy magazines to find out exclusive information. I found many existing pop magazines that are widely read by many young teenage girls. The most well known are 'We Love Pop' and 'Top Of The Pops'. From analysing these magazines i have found the general style and layout of the conventional pop magazines, including the colours, font styles and placing of cover lines and additional text. I found that every conventional existing pop magazine used the colour pink as a main colour, they also used black, white and brighter colours like blue, yellow, orange and purple. Most magazine i found incorporate 3 main colours into their magazine to make a 'house style'. To show that my magazine will be a conventional pop magazine i will be using the colour pink and also adding two other colours that will work well and show it to be a pop magazine for girls. I found that all magazines have an inclusion of popular boy bands, in particular One Direction therefore to connect with my audience i will include them in my magazine. I found that they typically used many cover lines and make the page filled with content, this is something i will attempt without making it too over powering. I found that the main image must be related to the main cover line and make it apparent that they connect, it must be bold and stand out from the other cover lines. It will also have relation to the double page spread. I found that researching into typical DPS it includes a large image which is the main focus and a quotation as the main title. Also pull quotes are used to add additional stances to gain the readers attention, these are aspects i will incorporate into my magazine double page spread. I found that the contents pages include the front cover as a way of navigating the main cover lines, this is something i will replicate as i think it looks effective and is conventional of a pop magazine. I will also include a editors note as this is something i found is commonly associated with pop magazines. 

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