Sunday 6 October 2013

Teen Girl Magazines

These are examples of magazines in which are precisely designed to appeal to teenage girls. They are made to have a niche audience due to the demand to have specific genres. They aim at a condensed market in order to follow the codes and conventions that are expected in order to gain a large majority of sales within the audience it is targeted. From studying these magazines there are obvious similarities that arise due to the code that the magazine has followed according to the genre. All covers have a main image of a teenage girl, and prepensely they are all well known celebrities to the audience and resemble beauty. The name of the celebrity is also boldly presented to correlate the image and article. By displaying popular celebrities it lures the audience to want to buy it due to the admiration they have for that person. It is also noticeable that they are all smiling and showing innocence, this is illustrating the connection with the audience, proclaiming they should reflect what is being portrayed and represent the girl used on the cover. A particular colour scheme is also extensive because they are all colours that would captivate the teenage girls, there are uses of pink, blue, purple, yellow and red all of which are colours that represent the female audience. The uses of the cover lines are also conventional because they speculate that girls should be into boys, fashion and beauty. All the magazines within this genre feature articles of this matter because its ideological that girls are interested in reading about the latest fashion, how to get boys and ideas on how to diverse their appearance. A lot of uses of plugs and puffs are displayed on these covers, young girls would establish the prominent bubble and be drawn into buying it because its so easily identifiable on all magazine covers.

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin, your research is generally thorough and your responses are thoughtful and generally well articulated. Be careful of vocabulary choices at times - some of the words you are choosing to use are not quite right. It is good that you are already using your initiative and working beyond the minimum of set tasks - keep this up to boost grade potential! Indicative Score: 8/10
