Saturday 12 October 2013

IPC Media

From researching IPC Media i found that as a media production they have associated with a very large range of genre of magazines, including womans health, sporting, music, gossip, lifestyle and TV this determines that they have a broad audience that their magazines are aimed at, depending on which genre the audience changes. However based on some titles of their magazines the most evident audience is older mature people as apposed to teenagers and young children. 

IPC might be an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine due to the success of their only music magazine currently available which is NME. They have experience from publishing NME and therefore have an idea of what audience to target at and how many sales it gains. The popularity of NME was high when it was first exposed, and the website they currently express it showing a huge demand for the music concept. IPC would be able to publish a new magazine having the right frame of mind as to what the best format would be. They are likely to publish rock/pop magazines due to the heavy demand there. Evidently these are genres in which are regularly listened to by a large audience, and therefore would have the biggest sales. People are increasingly interested in pop culture and news in relation to music. 

1 comment:

  1. Nicely presented work, with good referencing - well done.
