Thursday 24 October 2013

College Magazine

Flat Plan

To begin the process of making a college magazine i made a flat plan of how the cover would be initially laid out on the page. The obvious place for the masthead was at the top of the page so it stands out and acts as the main aspect of the cover. The boxes are an indication of where each feature will be arranged, this would help when designing my magazine cover because the layout was fixed and planned. However it was only a rough indication and therefore some aspects changed in the process.

Magazine Cover

This is the college magazine i designed. SMAG is a student magazine and appeals to both male and females whom attend South Downs College. The cover lines are student friendly and relate to education and college life. I am pleased with the outcome due to the image being a medium close up as specified, the cover lines are also enticing and i find the layout is structured so that the text is identifiable. I feel students would be appealed to buy the magazine judging on the cover because of the stand out cover lines and attracting puff and plugs. However the cover could have some improvements surmised to it, the colours used aren't captivating, this was limited due to the image and the colours exposed. I would use a different image with a wider background used so that i was expressed with more colours and could use a wider range to set a thematic theme. I would have set the image out appropriately so it had a relation to the cover lines. 

1 comment:

  1. You have worked through the preliminary task in a methodical and thoughtful way which is an ideal approach. You have made your thought processes clear. Your 'SMAG' cover is a good first attempt at a magazine cover with conventions well observed. Well done.
