Monday 23 September 2013

About Blogger

Things you can do with Blogger:
  • Customise your blog
  • Create new blog posts
  • Follow other blogs of your interest
  • Post comments on other blogs
  • Add relevant photos, videos and text to your post
  • Publish directly from your email account
  • Write a introductory paragraph about yourself
How Blogger will be useful for my coursework:
  • Easily accessible 
  • Lecturer is aware of how much work is being completed
  • Saves transporting paperwork and folders
  • Can be updated regularly 
  • You are aware of how much and what work you have done
  • Can be completed at college and a home
  • Presentable and organised format of showing my work
How to embed a powerpoint presentation into my blog:
  • Create the powerpoint using Microsoft
  • Sign up to make a slide share account
  • Upload the completed presentation to
  • Click 'embed in Web page' and copy the address information
  • Paste onto new blog post
  • Post to blog
How to embed videos to my blog:
  • Find a relevant video
  • Copy embed code
  • Create new blog post 
  • Paste the code you copied
  • Post blog post

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