Friday 1 November 2013

College Magazine Contents Page

Flat Plan

As part of my preliminary task i also created a flat plan for a mock up contents page. The flat plan shows where on the page the masthead, title, image, page numbers and contents will appear in the magazine. Initially the boxes connote where each prospect will be and the amount it takes up the page. 

Contents Page

The mock up contents page i have constructed shows the masthead clearly at the top of the page. I also included the coverlines separate to the other pages within the magazine because i believe this is useful for those who read the cover and are particularly interested in the coverlines more so than the other content. I made the page numbers large and bold so they are easily seen on the page. The image used is corresponding to the main image used on the cover, it creates a theme and relates to the content involved in the magazine.  I would improve this by adding more page numbers and contents to make it more useful. However i feel the initial design is appealing and helped in the process of making my final magazine.